Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on null in /home/pgweb/xcontest.org/site/class/page/class.PagePhorumSection.php on line 704

Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on null in /home/pgweb/xcontest.org/site/class/page/class.PagePhorumSection.php on line 112

Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on null in /home/pgweb/xcontest.org/site/class/page/class.PagePhorumSection.php on line 112

Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on null in /home/pgweb/xcontest.org/site/class/page/class.PagePhorumSection.php on line 129

Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on null in /home/pgweb/xcontest.org/site/class/page/class.PagePhorumSection.php on line 704

Warning: Attempt to read property "name" on null in /home/pgweb/xcontest.org/site/class/component/class.ComponentLayout.php on line 53

Warning: Attempt to read property "name_url" on null in /home/pgweb/xcontest.org/site/class/component/class.ComponentLayout.php on line 54
Inzerát :: Variometer Digifly Archimede :: PGweb - paragliding live!

[Inzerát] Variometer Digifly Archimede

Variometer Digifly Archimede
Autor: Dennd | Zasláno: 06.08.2019 * 15:22

Predám variometer Archimede od Digifly. Kúpený bol v roku 2014 avšak použitý maximálne trikrát na krátke 10minútové zlety, čiže prakticky nepoužívaný. Dôvod predaja: Moja paraglidingová kariéra skončila skôr ako začala a teraz som ho po pár rokoch našiel v skrinke :)

Cena 140€ (3600kč)

Miesto: Bratislava

0 příspěvků
shlédnutí: 831
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