Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on null in /home/pgweb/xcontest.org/site/class/page/class.PagePhorumSection.php on line 704

Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on null in /home/pgweb/xcontest.org/site/class/page/class.PagePhorumSection.php on line 112

Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on null in /home/pgweb/xcontest.org/site/class/page/class.PagePhorumSection.php on line 112

Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on null in /home/pgweb/xcontest.org/site/class/page/class.PagePhorumSection.php on line 129

Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on null in /home/pgweb/xcontest.org/site/class/page/class.PagePhorumSection.php on line 704

Warning: Attempt to read property "name" on null in /home/pgweb/xcontest.org/site/class/component/class.ComponentLayout.php on line 53

Warning: Attempt to read property "name_url" on null in /home/pgweb/xcontest.org/site/class/component/class.ComponentLayout.php on line 54
Inzerát :: Axis Comet L :: PGweb - paragliding live!

[Inzerát] Axis Comet L

Axis Comet L
Autor: o_ndra | Zasláno: 16.05.2017 * 13:36


prodám křídlo Axis Comet L (95-125kg), vyrobené na přelomu roku 2011/2012. Barevná kombinace "Mars" (červená-šedivá). Nálet kolem 100 h. Minulý rok pouze asi 3h a letos po technické již nelétán. TK do 15.2.2018.

Cena 13900 Kč.

K vidění v Praze, po domluvě k vyzkoušení. Telefon 739 666 831.

Mohu také prodat (i samostaně) velký šedivý batoh Advance ve velice dobrém stavu.

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shlédnutí: 8990
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